In 2012 La Gomera had a population of 22.350 and this went down to 21.153 over the past year, leaving the island with 5.36 % less residents. The latest figures by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) reveal that more than half the decrease of the total number took place in the municipal area of Valle Gran Rey with 620 residents less than at the end of 2012 leaving a total of only 4.240 people living there. The second highest loss of 356 was in the island's capital San Sebastian de La Gomera which now has 8.699 residents. In the remaining four municipal areas of Vallehermoso, Hermigua, Agulo and Alajero (which includes Playa de Santiago) the population loss was less marked, but none had an increase.
Valle Gran Rey had an alarming loss of population of -12,8 % in 2013 |
Hello and thanks for your blog. I read it as often as can.
Do you know if there is anything new regarding the boat to VGR ? You wrote earlier that it may start shipping to this harbour again ?
I have tried to find out how much(if there is any) crime there is on La Gomera ? stealing, tagging, robbing, kidnapping, e.t.c Is there any number ?
We're all keeping the fingers crossed in hope of a new ferry to VGR in 2014. There are proposals, but nothing firm yet…
The crime rate is extremely low on La Gomera. During peak season some minor incidents do happen sometimes, but to a much lesser degree than in most other holiday destinations. We're on an island and there's no escape for criminals. ;-)
I found your blog yesterday, thank you for that, it is a good job, really .
Do you know any reason for the decrease in population of VGR? At Wikipedia I have seen already there was an increase at the beginning of the 2000's and now many leave the island. Why?
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