After yesterday afternoon's earthquake of magnitude 4,6 in the Atlantic west of El Hierro island the Canarian government and civil protection agencies have declared a YELLOW ALERT level for some western parts of the island and have ordered some road closures. The danger lies in the abrupt terrain there,and some rockfalls and landslides caused by the quakes have already been reported.For detailed news on this go see the new page I have added to this blog where I will give regular updates on the situation on our 'little brother' El Hierro - click here or use the page button 'El Hierro Volcano' beside 'Home' above.
Yesterday's spectrogram at the seismic station of Valverde, El Hierro, shows the strong shocks which registered on seismographs all over the Canary Islands:
Update Wednesday, April 10th, 1.30pm:
Just now PEVOLCA,the cicil protection agency, has lifted the yellow alert and cancelled all measures that were taken during the recent 'swarm' of earthquakes. There was only minor activity during the past few days and now El Hierro is officially back to normal
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