
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Festival 'Atlantico Sonoro'

The 9th edition of the festival 'Atlantico Sonoro' is taking place in the town of Vallehermoso on La Gomera this Saturday, July 27th 2013. All day from 11am there will be a wide range of demonstrations and workshops of alternative therapies, massage, yoga, music, percussion, and many more. Tradtional Gomeran skills such as El Silbo whistling and traditional pottery will also be shown and taught - most take place in the beautiful location of the 16.000 sqm botanical garden near Vallehermoso (on the road to the sea). At night there will be a concert on the town square with an interesting dance and music group called 'Terekitetap' starting at 9.30pm, followed by a Bob Marley tribute band called 'One Love'. All activities are free of charge and all are welcome.
Click poster to enlarge

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