
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Volcanic eruption in La Palma continues explosively

La Palma banana plantation worker covered in volcanic ash (Image source:facebook)

The volcanic eruption in La Palma (click for more), the westernmost Canary Island, continues unabated and the emitted lava has now destroyed more than 500 buildings.(Ed.: the church of Todoque has now fallen victim to the advancing first lava flow, which has reactivated due to fresh hot lave running under the previous  and already cooling stream). Most of the affected properties were vaporized by the over 1.000ºC hot lava which is over twelve metres thick in places. The shocking video below demonstrates the destructive power:

The eruption which started a week ago entered a more explosive phase on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd 2021, and the volcano now emits large volumes of lava, red-hot rocks, pyroclastic material, gases and ash. The plume over the volcano is up to six kilometres high at times and has even reached central Europe, while it forced the closure of La Palma's airport. Obviously La Gomera is getting a fine dusting, too and people are advised to wear a face covering for an entirely new reason now.
The image at the start of this post demonstrates the plight of La Palma's farmers. The island's banana crop alone contributes 50% to the island's economy. Large tracts of agricultural land have also been buried under the lava which will take a long time to cool down and decades to be of any use again.
Below is a drone video of the devastation, taken a few days ago: 

The government of the Canary Islands has pledged to buy over 200 properties to relocate residents who have lost everything and a major aid programme has started to distribute essential goods to the more than 6.000 evacuees.
Friends of mine who were living just above Todoque have lost everything as their house, workshop and organic farm were right in the middle of the first lava stream. 
If you'd like to make a donation, you can do so by sending money to one of the two accounts of the municipal administration of El Paso, under whose jurisdiction the affected area is and who are trustworthy to direct the funds without costs to aid those affected. I trust them and have just donated.

To: Ayuntamiento El Paso 
Reference/Message: Erupcion Volcanica 
Bank 1: LA CAIXA, CAIXESBBXXX,  IBAN: ES26 2100 7109 3122 0015 5652 
Bank 2: CAJA SIETE, BCOEESMM076, IBAN: ES57 3076 0480 6710 0761 6723 

Explosive phase:
The cone of the main eruption which has gained a height of over 250 metres in less than a week suffered a partial collapse of its western flank after another eruptive opening began spewing lava on its northern side.
The new lava is flowing at a pace of about 30 metres per hour towards the sea while initial main stream came almost to a stop in the town of Todoque, but is now slowly flowing again.
If and when the lava will reach the sea is still not clear, but once it interacts with the Atlantic it will cause further problems as explosions and toxic gases will be generated. 
(UPDATE Ed. Tues night: Since 11pm lava is now flowing freely into the sea, after igniting and demolishing more buildings, large covered banana plantations, and the farmers co-operative building with stocks of fertilizer, which caused some toxic explosions. No personal damages are reported thanks to the precautions taken. There's now about 700 buildings destroyed or severely damaged. The eruption continues strongly and further earthquakes, some of around 3.3, were registered tonight in the vicinity of the the new volcano, suggesting a further push of fresh lava)
The tremor remains steadily strong, there are fairly regular minor quakes and some rockfalls have been reported.
How explosive the volcano has been lately can be appreciated in the video below which also captured the major explosions that shattered window panes miles away from the volcano:

Monday, September 20, 2021

Significant volcanic eruption in La Palma

Image of the new volcano taken Sunday night. Source: C7/ISMAEL SANTANA / MOISÉS RODRÍGUEZ

Just when you've had a quiet Sunday out in nature and not bothering to check yet again the recent swarm of minor earthquakes in La Palma Island, La Gomera's western neighbour, you come home late after a meal and few beers and the morning's worries are confirmed.

There's a significant volcanic eruption on La Palma in the Cumbre Viejo area and about 2.000 people have been evacuated as a precaution while the first house was engulfed by the lava flow. According to the Canary Islands press, police are preparing to evacuate several thousand more. Several hundred tourists have been evacuated and given accommodation in safe areas, according to local press.
(UPDATE Monday morning: Now more than 5.000 people have been evacuated and more than 100 houses were engulfed by the lava flow)

In the municipal areas affected (El Paso, Los Llanos de Aridane, Tazacorte) schools have suspended classes. The military emergency unit UME has been sent to La Palma island. There are no reports of any personal injuries, but several houses have been damaged by lava.
Fred. Olsen ferries have already given priority to emergency crews going to La Palma island and some regular passengers were refused boarding its service on Sunday, so any intending passengers should check with their ferry company if they can travel.

Image taken Sunday night, Sept. 20th 2021 (Source:

The eruption is said to extend to two fissures with eight active craters separated by a distance of two hundred metres. The main crater extends to a fissure of 150 metres. The volcanic eruption started Sunday, Sept. 19th 2021 after 3 pm.

The Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez cancelled his visit to New York to go to La Palma instead and has assured the citizens of La Palma that their safety is assured and that any damages will be covered by his government. The king of Spain has pledged his 'all his support' for the people of La Palma to the Canarian president.

Live video of the eruption can be seen on Canary Islands' main TV station RTVC.

The alert level has been changed from yellow straight to RED, skipping amber.

This being a developing situation, I'll close for now as I need some sleep and will be posting more soon...

UPDATE Monday 20-09-2021, 3:15pm:
Just 24 hours after the begin of the eruption it was expected that the first lava could reach the sea tonight, after widening and flowing through a more populated area. 
There are now three main Lava flows, each of several metres thickness, advancing slowly towards the coast at a speed of about 700 metres per hour. More houses and farmland in their path have been destroyed.

UPDATE Tuesday 21-09-2021: 
A further crater has opened late yesterday and scientists say more may open. By now more than 200 houses have been destroyed and more than 6.000 people are now evacuated. The lave has still not reached the sea and has now entered the town of Todoque, slowing further and widening its path. It's still not clear when it will interact with the Atlantic, but it is now not far away anymore. The seismic activity continues with regular tremors, a few of which were felt all over La Palma island.

Below a map of probabilities of lava flow and resulting danger areas:

A plume of ash, gases and fumes has been blowing towards and over La Gomera as far as the western coast of Africa, which was observed from space. The image of the emissions was taken late on Monday (below):

Source: Copernicus

Below a map of seismic activity on La Palma over the two weeks before the eruption. The strongest quake measured 4.2 on the Richter scale:

(Source: Instituto Geografico Nacional)