
Friday, October 16, 2015

Trapped hikers rescued from rising flood

 Island reports the following, highlighting once more the dangers of engaging in outdoor activities in adverse weather conditions without local guidance:
The bad weather forecast for the western Canary Islands nearly had serious consequences for a group of tourists who had to be rescued from rushing waters in a popular hiking spot.
La Palma 16-10-15:
The four hikers were walking in the La Caldera de Taburiente area when they became stranded in the Angustias Ravine, in which heavy rain had caused a torrent of water to flow in a matter of minutes. An SOS sent to the emergency services saw a helicopter dispatched urgently to the site and the stranded quartet were airlifted to safety. All four were reported to be unhurt despite their ordeal. La Palma was one of the islands placed on a bad weather alert for strong winds and downpours during the day and throughout the night. Several roads in the Caldera de Taburiente area had to be closed due to the conditions. The Canarian government issued recommendations to the public to take extra care due to the danger of flying debris caused by the winds, which played havoc with flights in La Palma and Tenerife North.

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