
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fishermen's bar reopened. Fish shop planned

The popular bar and restaurant right on the pier in the harbour of Vueltas in Valle Gran Rey had been closed for several months, but has now been refurbished and reopened a couple of days ago. The premises are owned by the local fishermen's coop and one of the conditions of the lease is that it must be open in the early hours of the morning to facilitate the fishermen.
The coop also has plans to open a proper fish shop in the old auction hall behind the bar as Valle Gran Rey hasn't got a fish shop despite the huge demand for fresh fish from both locals and visitors. To date to get fresh fish you have to be on the pier when boats come in and buy directly from the fishermen in the blazing sun. A fish shop on the pier would really make sense.


  1. Thats great news :) nice one :)

  2. That sure is nice. Do you know does the bar also serve breakfast for tourists who happen to be in Vueltas early in the morning.

  3. Yes, they do indeed. The popular bar and cafeteria is open to the public from 6 am. until about 10 pm.

  4. Thank you that's nice to know. I'm coming there in early february and was looking for early breakfast places and this is just what I was hoping to find.


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