
Monday, November 13, 2023

This strange video is a must see and a great laugh

I found the above video on the web accidentally and I had to laugh so much it actually hurt. It purports to introduce first-time visitors to La Gomera and give ''essential tips'' for tourists.

It gets really mad from about 0!:15 into the video when a lioness is seen striding through the grass with the voiceover saying that La Gomera's wildlife boasts animals that are ''otherwise extinct in most places''. Now, why is this 'La Gomera lion' wearing a collar ?

No prizes for spotting the many more ridiculous errors in the video and the disjointed imagery. The voiceover and pronunciation are hilarious, too.

This video was obviously generated using artificial intelligence (AI) and confirms my reasons for always calling same artificial ignorance

There is some nice footage from La Gomera in it, too, and some factual information. But there's definitely no tuk-tuks in La Gomera bringing you into a jungle, etc., etc....

The author's travel vlog even dares to call itself ''Official Travel Guide'' and states: ''Whether you're planning your travel for 2023 or simply seeking inspiration from travel magazines, our La Gomera - Essential Tips for First-Time Visitors to the Canary Islands video is a must-watch.'' Yeah, no, essentially wrong.

Just imagine some poor innocent who doesn't know anything about La Gomera viewing this video and then deciding to visit to see the non-existent lions...


  1. It's not just the lions! I see San Sebastian (de la Gomera) has high-rise buildings and lots of golden sand beaches! This video is awful, can't it be removed by YouTube?

  2. Hi Chris and thanks for your comment.
    As I wrote in my post, there's loads more errors in that video, like the South American and Asian clips. But it is so madly incorrect and disjointed that anyone with a bit of sense will not take it seriously.
    There's a few different San Sebastians shown as La Gomera's capital, including even some clips of the real one.
    Enjoy the laugh and don't worry about it.
    As the saying goes: ''There's no such thing as bad publicity''.
    La Gomera won't be affected by this video.

  3. Nice video and good information

  4. John o neil, are you for real ???


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