
Monday, December 14, 2020

Bus travels in record time...

 ...from Valle Gran Rey in La Gomera's south-west across the mountains and through the national park to the island's capital San Sebastian de La Gomera. A journey that normally takes about 100 minutes was done in less than nine minutes (!) by this Mesa coach, as the video below shows. Caution: Better have a bucket handy just in case your stomach isn't up to what you're about to see:


  1. Hi,

    A keen follower of your blog over the past decade, an annual visitor to VGR, covid bound in Donegal (where the spuds come from ;-) ) - just to say I hope you're having the best of Christmases in the Valley. Keep posting - every picture brings a little bit of joy to someone, somewhere.

    And apologies in advance, but I'll be straight up the Barranco Argaga next trip - come what may...


  2. Hi and many thanks for your comment, with apologies for the delay in publishing it.

  3. Happy New Year and thanks for hosting. Having climbed Argaga three times from both directions, I think I'll give it a miss.Could a reinforced tunnel not be built along the coastal road to Argaga.Similar to those built through the mountains above VGR?

  4. Hi and a Happy New Year to you, too.
    I don't think that such a tunnel will ever be built, though.


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