
Saturday, July 04, 2020

Planning a trip to Spain ? Here's what you should do

Mirador de Abrante above Agulo in La Gomera's north (Archive)

Sadly new 'health control' regulations apply when going to Spain and that includes La Gomera. All travellers now must complete a form and then a unique personal QR code is generated which can be used in printed form or downloaded with an app. The registration form should be downloaded, completed and returned BEFORE you travel to avoid delays at airports. The generated individual code must then be used wherever you go in Spain. 
Here's the link to the official Spanish health ministry's website (in English) with all the relevant information and from where you can proceed:

Note: All La Gomera Ferry services still run a reduced schedule which changes frequently, and health-bureaucracy is strictly enforced on arrival and departure in all Canary Islands ports, so allow a bit of extra time if planning a trip.
Also the Canarian government does still plan to go ahead with mandatory testing of incoming tourists at airports despite the Spanish government ruling this out, so it remains unclear what happens on arrival in the Canaries. Not very inviting, really, on top of all the rest of the hassle.
...and by the way La Gomera has NOT had any Covid cases for ages.


  1. Hi, You sound bit glum, cheer up! Given that La Gomera has had almost no cases of Covid-19 ... helped by the absence of tourists ... it is totally reasonable to test new arrivals and keep a record of their arrival and departure. It would be a tragedy if we tourists brought Covid-19 to La Gomera by accident and many locals then contracted the virus. I can't wait to come back later in December and January, and certainly don't mind these very reasonable precautions. In fact, given the "summer weather" here in Ireland, I'd be happy to come over right now!

  2. Hello- We wanted to know if anything is open if we come to Valle Gran Rey which is where we love to stay.We would like to support the island but if its not a good idea to come, we wont. Sarah

  3. Hi and sorry for the delay in publishing your comment.
    Currently the official advice is not to travel to Spain from Ireland, even though the Spanish colony of the Canary Islands has very few cases of infection and La Gomera none.
    The residents there are split between those wanting tourists and the much needed revenue, while others want to use the island status to remain Covid-free by not welcoming tourism. The local economy reflects that, i.e. many premises remain closed, mostly for lack of customers and also due to the complicated new regulations. However you will find enough places open to cater for all needs. The atmosphere however is not the same as it was, with a lot of distrust, paranoia, desperation and uncertainty. That's the feeling I got from several recent in-depth 'phone calls to and from La Gomera. You'll be very welcome there, but...


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