
Tuesday, June 16, 2020


For several years I used to smoke above cigarettes when living in La Gomera. They're made in Tenerife by the same company that makes Benson & Hedges and other well known brands, but Coronas were and still are much cheaper. When the packs of ten cigarettes were phased out through EU regulations some years ago I remember buying 30 packs of 10 Coronas for just 3,30 Euros (total price for the carton of 300 , I kid you not, that's little more than 10 cents per 10-pack) in Anita's tiny supermarket in Vueltas, which is sadly gone the way of the ten-packs. Coronas cigarettes are still widely available all over Spain, though more expensive there than in the Canaries, as are all cigarettes. I wonder are they now as popular with hugely increased demand there as is Corona lager beer here in Ireland due to the Corona virus hype ?
...and no, I'm not promoting any brand of smokes nor any brand of virus, and a warning is on the pack. 
By the way a German carpenter living in Ireland once stated when making a table for me with a fag in his mouth: ''Smoking is yoga for the lungs''. He has since quit smoking and went back to Germany.

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