
Friday, November 23, 2018

Last chances to hear this..

...amazing duo of Tom Words featuring Strat 7rieder (sic) play in Valle Gran Rey this year as Tom is leaving the island soon again. Tonight, Friday 23rd Nov. 2018, they'll be playing in Monolo's intimate music and sports bar 'Teguerguenche' which is near the statue in La Puntilla and beside the wood-oven pizzeria Pinochio. So, get into Manolo's  from  around 8:30pm and enjoy some fine Blues, Rock, and Tom's own songs with a few drinks and snacks.
You can see them again at Ramiro's bus station bar near the bridge in La Calera on Sunday from 1 pm lunchtime with a spectacular view across the bay and there may even some surprise guest musicians apearing. Then there will be the usual Sunday afternoon open session/sing-song to follow from 3pm towards sunset...

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