
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Emma's rain and wind

Amazing video of a heavy downpour in La Gomera (Source: Bistro Cafe in Vueltas). Any idea what language that is ?
...and by the way, La Gomera is cut off from the outside world as all ferry sailings and flights were cancelled this evening until the weather improves tomorrow.
The wind even increased this afternoon with the weather station in the mountains at the 'Alto de Igualero' recording a gust of 152 km/h at 4 pm  and the one at the visitor's centre near Agulo had a gust of 122 km/h a couple of hours later, while San Sebastian's harbour had a gust of 92 km/h. Storm Emma isn't quite finished with us yet...


  1. The language is Dutch. They say something like "holy shit" several times.

  2. It's Dutch! With some great swearing!


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