
Sunday, November 19, 2017

You'll never row alone

To mark this year's Atlantic Challenge rowing race across the Atlantic which starts from La Gomera in about 22 days' time, an exhibition was opened in the harbour terminal of San Sebastian de La Gomera on Friday. The exhibition will feature works by various artists under the theme 'You'll never row alone - The interior journey II' and is open to the public in the upstairs lounge until January 8th 2018 and is well worth a visit.


  1. Hello, I would like to buy one of the paintings in this exhibition, please could you let me know how I can do this?
    Many thanks,

  2. Sorry, but I don't even know which of the paintings are for sale.
    If you're in La Gomera, just contact the artist who painted it.
    You could try and 'phone the port office on 0034-922870357 in the
    building where the exhibition is held. They're usually very helpful
    and should have some English in case you don't speak Spanish.


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