
Monday, July 31, 2017

Algae affecting many beaches

Algal bloom at Vueltas beach, one of the many beaches affected in the Canary Islands

 Over recent weeks large amounts of micro algae have been observed in the coastal waters of the Canary Islands which have affected many beaches. This is a natural phenomenon that is produced by biological, environmental and climate factors and causes the seawater to become discoloured and turbid. A report by the public health department of the Canarian government warns that one should not swim  or bath in seawater where massive amounts of micro algae are present and also to avoid any contact with the algae deposited on beaches by the tides. On La Gomera notices warning of the presence of algae have been placed at beaches in San Sebastian and Valle Gran Rey. 
The report also states that while micro algae are generally quite harmless, some may produce toxins that could ''produce negative health effects'' when swimmers make physical contact by touching or ingesting these through the mouth or nose or by inhaling aerosols which may be emitted by the algal bloom. Some dead fish have also been washed onto beaches which probably perished due to much lower oxygen levels in the sea areas affected by the algal bloom. 
A dead fish washed ashore (Images: HP)

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