
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Irishman to start solo row across Atlantic today

Gavan Hennigan aboard his boat 'Doireann' in the harbour of San Sebastian de La Gomera (
Galway native Gavan Hennigan is one of only four solo rowers in the Talisker Atlantic Challenge race across the Atlantic which is starting from San Sebastian de La Gomera this morning.
The event takes place every year from La Gomera island in the Canaries to Antigua in the Caribbean, and Mr. Hennigan will row in a specially-built Ocean rowing boat for a crossing which could take up to three months to complete.
The voyage is widely considered to be one of the toughest challenges on the planet and to date more people have climbed Everest, reached the North Pole, or ventured into space than have successfully rowed the Atlantic.
He explains why he decided to undertake such an expedition:
“That’s a big question a lot of people ask and I suppose I like the idea of the challenge. I’ve spent a lot of my time in extreme places doing mountaineering in the Himalayas, I’ve been to Antarctica, I’ve done some of the world’s longest and toughest ultra-marathons, I’ve also had one of the most dangerous jobs in the world as a commercial diver so I’ve lived this life of extreme adventure and this just looked like the next big challenge for me.
The athlete from Knocknacarra said he is nervous and excited but definitely up for the challenge. “I really like the idea of being out at sea for up to two, three months and being self-sufficient and the challenge of all that and making my own decisions.”
Throughout the crossing Gavan will face raging seas, howling winds, sharks, blisters, salt rashes, sunstroke and sleep deprivation but he said he is strengthened by his resolve to do this and raise monies for four charities; Cancer Care West, Jigsaw, RNLI and Sanctuary. He is hoping to raise in the region of €20,000. Cancer Care West and Jigsaw are both close to his heart and Gavan Hennigan has already raised thousands for Galway charities through other expeditions in extreme conditions.
You can follow his progress and that of the other contestants by clicking RACE TRACKER

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