
Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Trump's bar is open...

...and I woke up this morning to the news that the blond man of German extraction who owns it is to be the 45th president of the US and at 72 the oldest ever at the time of election. 
Well, I wouldn't have voted for any of the four, yes there were 4 candidates, but to be on the safe side I visited Trump's bar earlier this year where I took the photo and had lunch overlooking the Atlantic. The food was very reasonably priced and went down well with a blond pint. 
Well, the real reason I came there was that when I was at the Doonbeg International Jazz Festival, I ran out of cash and the 'Trump International Golf Links and 5* Hotel Doonbeg Ireland' has the only 'money printer' (ATM) for many miles around and I was hungry when I got the money.
What has all that got to do with La Gomera, you may ask ? Nothing much except that the fabulous band 'Skazz' who played in La Gomera many times, are based in Doonbeg and were playing at the jazz festival, too.
Part of Donald Trump's 5* Hotel near Doonbeg in Co.Clare, Ireland

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