
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Even sheep stick to the safe paths here

The rescue helicopter was needed once again in the Argaga ravine near Valle Gran Rey yesterday around noon, after a 34 years old female hiker fell several metres in an area of difficult access there. The helicopter had to put down a rescue crew nearby from where they then had to fetch the injured on a stretcher to the pick-up point to be flown to the hospital in the capital San Sebastian de La Gomera. The injuries sustained by the women were said to be minor, so she had a lucky escape.
The area where the incident happened is notorious for bad falls and the the walk up and down that ravine is extremely dangerous and has been officially closed for years, yet many still attempt it. Also, there are still copies of outdated walking guides in circulation which list this walk, even though the gorge has claimed the lives of several walkers.
If you intend to hike in the mountains of La Gomera without a guide, make sure that your information is up-to-date, enquire locally and stick to clearly defined paths. Avoid areas such as Argaga gorge where the paths have eroded or collapsed. Even sheep wouldn't go there.

1 comment :

  1. I am a 59 year old English male. I was using an old guide book and unaware that the path is officially closed. I managed, with great difficulty, to scramble up the ravine in April 2016. I have never been so scared in my life! However, a young French family which included a boy of about 10 and a girl of about 12, all dressed in white, were about 30 minutes behind me. Ironically, I lost the path just at the top where the worst parts of the gorge ended. If the French family had not appeared and shown me where the path was, I would still be there. I caught up with them later and thanked them for showing me the path. They were completely unaware that it was a very dangerous route. To them it was just a day's walk. Don't be fooled, the path is very difficult to discern, very precipitous in places. It really is dangerous.


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