
Friday, August 12, 2016

Hot summer


  1. Is there any news from Valle Gran Rey. Is there to be music at Casa La Familia' .what is happening with the ferry service between the ports of Valle Gran Rey, does any one living in La Gomera have any news ?

    Gibt es eine Nachricht von Valle Gran Rey. Gibt es zu Musik im Casa La Familia ".was ist mit der Fährverbindung zwischen den Häfen von Valle Gran Rey geschieht, hat jemand in La Gomera Informationen besitzen, zu leben?

  2. Hi John,
    when or if there's any solid news you'll find it on this blog.
    There's something happening at Casa La Familia and it has to do
    with music alright.
    Things move slowly in La Gomera, and it is the quiet summer time.
    ...and yes, we all want that ferry back soon !


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