
Saturday, March 26, 2016

German chancellor Merkel on holidays in La Gomera

Image: La Provincia

German chancellor Angela Merkel is spending her Easter holidays on La Gomera together with her husband Joachim Sauer. This is the fourth time the 'world's most powerful woman' is spending her spring holidays in the island amid tight security. She is known to enjoy walking and exploring La Gomera's national park and ancient forest. She's also said to be fond of a local specialty called potaje de berros which is a soup made with watercress.
So if you see a lot of police activity and strategically scattered special agents wherever you are on La Gomera this Easter, then you know that 'Angie' can't be far...


  1. It is all very fine but I don't thing Angela Merkel was in La Gomera with her father in the 70's with the Iron Curtin in place?

  2. Ooooopppss, I think you're absolutely right there. I took this bit information from a piece in the local Canarian press without thinking.
    Anyway thank you for pointing out the error and I have now deleted the sentence.
    Kind regards


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