
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Some tips for New Year's Eve

Spanish guitarist Ulises, one of the
musicians who will be playing at
the Cacatua bar  on New Year's Eve
There's plenty of entertainment to welcome the new year on La Gomera during 'Noche Vieja' (literally 'old night', i.e. New Year's Eve). The main fiestas will be in the larger towns' squares and in Valle Gran Rey it is the turn of the Plaza San Pedro in La Playa with two bands playing until 6am. In the capital the town's main square will fill up for the music around midnight.
Usually people ring in the new year with 12 grapes, one for every month of the coming year and a glass of cava (Spanish champagne) at midnight, often after a meal in a restaurant. Most restaurants will have special set menus which should include the grapes and a glass of bubbly. But do book early as they will fill to capacity.
There will be many open private and public parties and live music gigs in Valle Gran Rey, e.g. in the Cacatua the beer garden there''ll be live music and in its upper bar a DJ. It's situated in the harbour village of Vueltas, generally the most lively area at night. There's always a surprise in store at the now famous and best music venue of VGR, the Casa La Familia, a social club complete with camp fire and an alternative bohemian flair, which you'll find a bit hidden just off the main  road along the beach in La Playa. There's many more options all over Valle Gran Rey and I'm sure you'll be able to find them as you will hear them.
Some parties only get really going after midnight and continue until the early hours of the 1st of January, so make sure you have a good siesta-nap during the day before you go out...

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