
Saturday, November 07, 2015

'Cheese bend' remodelled

The viewpoint at the 'Curva de Queso' ('cheese bend', because it is as round as a cheese) on the road into Valle Gran Rey has been remodelled and is now open to the public again. The works had started last year, then were halted just before termination and now the redesign has finally been finished. New is a semi-circular elevated viewing area with a steel structure at the back that resembles a spider's web, the purpose of which is not clear to me and it also now obstructs the view from the road. Before there was just a large car park. The views down to the upper and the lower valley are spectacular from there, but as far as design goes, much nicer is the existing viewpoint (= 'mirador' in Spanish) of 'El Palmarejo' aka 'Cesar Manrique'  about half a mile further up the road, which is a bit hidden from the road and also houses a restaurant, the latter however sadly closed at present. This complex offers breathtaking views and was designed by the famous architect Cesar Manrique, known for his art of tastefully integrating buildings into the local landscape.
One of many 'vistas' from the mirador designed by Manrique

Steel spiders web or giant cheese grater ?
View down to VGR
The 'cheese bend' as it was before
Upper VGR from 'curva de queso'

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