
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Coast road closed due to high waves

High waves again affecting the partially collapsed coast road (Image: Archive
The coast road connecting the districts of La Puntilla and La Playa in Valle Gran Rey has been closed to all traffic this afternoon as a precautionary measure due to the high waves battering coasts in the Canaries. Traffic is being diverted from Hotel Gran Rey and Bar Maria (respectively). The road had been partially undermined and sea defences had collapsed some time ago (see post of April last). No repairs were carried out since, allowing further erosion over the past ten months.
It is hoped that the carnival activities in La Playa tonight and over the coming days can take place on the beach there as planned, but some food and drinks stalls already had to be moved further away from the seas as they were threatened by the waves.
Weather conditions are predicted to improve from tomorrow night, however.
Condition the road was in two weeks ago. It has become worse in present weather situation.

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