
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Meteor shower to be seen tomorrow night

Observatories on La Palma island's highest peak Roque de los Muchachos at about 7500 ft.
Astronomers predict that a meteor shower which is expected to be seen in the sky in the early hours of Saturday morning will be the most spectacular for many years. Scientists who have been monitoring the comet 209P/Linear predict that a major meteor  shower could light up the pre-dawn sky in the early hours of Saturday, May 24th 2014, when debris from the comet will fire off perhaps hundreds of shooting stars. The comet was discovered in 2004 and orbits the sun once every five years. In 2012 it had a relatively close encounter with Jupiter and this resulted in the comet's path coming closer to earth. The meteor shower will probably be seen best from North America, but from many parts of Europe and especially from the Canary Islands it can also be observed.

1 comment :

  1. Scientists who have been monitoring the comet 209P/Linear predict that a major meteor shower could light up the pre-dawn sky in the early ...


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