
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Road partially collapsed due to heavy seas

The road along the beach between La Puntilla and La Playa was badly damaged by heavy seas during yesterday's bad weather. The road is normally protected by an old low protective wall which is curved at the top to throw the waves back and had been previously damaged to a minor degree by large waves a few years ago. During this winter the wall was further weakened and gravel and larger pieces of rock had been thrown up and piled against it  by wave-action. This minor road tops an embankment along the shore and the land opposite the shore lies several feet below the road at the location where it has been damaged. 
The foundations of the wall suffered undercutting and a partial collapse yesterday evening causing subsidence along quite an extensive stretch of road. Local police and the mayor of Valle Gran Rey were on the scene to asses the damage and the area has been fenced off by the authorities. A traffic diversion is in place via an old track below and parallel to the affected stretch of road.
Maintenance of this coast road connecting La Playa and La Puntilla has been neglected over many years due to legal and fiscal problems arising from the unresolved question under who's jurisdiction the area lies. 
Weather conditions should gradually but substantially improve during today allowing further examination of the damage to prepare yet another temporary repair.
Rough seas damaged the road to La Playa in Valle Gran Rey

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