
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Good news for flights to and from Canary Islands

EU approves aid to airlines for Canaries' flights

Aid granted by the Canarian government to airlines to open new routes to the Canaries has been ruled admissible by the European Union in a crucial test case settled by Brussels yesterday.
The scheme, devised by the regional government to provide a 50% reduction in airport charges for up to three years, does not unduly distort competition in the single maket and will help the economic development of the islands, concluded the European Commission after sudying the so-called start-up aids aimed at attracting airlines and routes. The scheme is the first of its type to be examined by Brussels following the entry into force of new EU guidelines on state aid to airports and airlines on 4 April. The green light for the 10 million euro package has been greeted with relief by the regional authorities, who see the incentive as crucial to diversifying the tourist industry here by reducing reliance on traditional markets.
The above report is from

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