
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Film 'In the Heart of the Sea' still in post-production

Ron Howard's upcoming film 'In the Heart of the Sea' continues being edited in post production after shooting key scenes here on La Gomera for about 5 weeks last winter. The film is due for release in March 2015 and we'll have to wait until then to admire the resulting epic. Meanwhile Ron Howard keeps us up to date on his Twitter account. Some examples taken from that below:
Ron Howard: Full day editing In the Heart of the Sea for Warner Bros. fascinating challenge to bring this to the screen
Ron Howard: Anchors away aboard our Whaleship Essex. Little do they know....the complexities of
In the Heart of the Sea make for brand new challenges in the editing room.  Headaches & Fun. Yin…
Ron Howard:Anthony Dodmantle gave In the Heart of the Sea many stunning  images to choose from.

Ron Howard: A still-very-early run-thru of In the Heart of the Sea was very
promising tho we immediately began an intensive stop-&-go editing session

...and somewhere there was this photo of a fellow-Irishman, taken in Playa de Santiago:
Memories of the time of Ron Howard's shooting of the film here on La Gomera.
Guess who's hand is resting on actor Cillian Murphy's shoulder in bar 'La Chalana'...
(Photo by Carlos)

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