
Friday, April 18, 2014

Busy Easter Season

There's room for more guests at La Gomera's visitors centre
At last there's some good news: The Canary Islands are having a bumper Easter season and La Gomera is no exception. Tourist figures are up on recent years and even the 'foreigners from the Peninsula', i.e. the tourists from mainland Spain are starting to make an appearance again. Keep the fingers crossed - this could be a sign of recovery from the recession in Spain. Accommodation these days is hard to find and hotel occupation rates are reported at around 90% throughout the Canaries. 'Semana Santa' (Holy Week) traditionally has always been part of the peak season but it all seems more 'busy but relaxed' and more affluent this year. On La Gomera the tourists generally appear to be more mixed internationally and the traditional Easter family reunions with the 'visitors' who now live elsewhere and are coming home for a holiday should have increased their numbers a bit. Ferries and airlines are moving a lot more people anyway...

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