
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Work on seawater pool to be continued

The half-finished works of repairing and extending the facilities of the seawater swimming pool at the beach of Hermigua in the north of La Gomera should be continued and finished very soon. Work on the ambitious 2,8 million Euros project had stopped a long time ago, but the island's government has now pledged more money and stated that it will be finished. The beach itself is too dangerous for swimmers and the pool will enable locals and visitors to enjoy a dip in seawater. It is planned that the new buildings will house a thalassotherapy spa and a physiotherapy treatment room as well as a gym, changing rooms, etc.. The project had  become a bit of a white elephant after work the project stopped, but the allocation of more money should see it finished within one year of recommencing work, according to the cabildo (island government).
Half-finished seawater pool and spa at Hermigua beach

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