
Thursday, February 27, 2014

German tourist jumps ship - literally

This story was reported from neighbouring La Palma island by NEWS IN THE SUN last week:

''Air sea rescue were mobilised  in the main port of La Palma after a prank backfired yesterday afternoon.
Apparently when a young German tourist jumped from the cruise liner Aida into the sea his companion sounded the alarm after he did not appear to surface.
The Santa Cruz de La Palma Maritime Rescue boat scoured the sea around the cruise liner  and a GES helicopter was scrambled to search from the air.
After two hours , the young man appeared back on the liner; after jumping into the sea he swam to one of the pontoons and was perfectly safe. Authorities are considering what action to take, swimming in the port waters is expressly forbidden, after this costly exercise as the result of a joke in very bad taste.''

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