
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Filming on La Gomera hit by yesterday's bad weather

  1. Filming In the Heart of the Sea on location La Gomera was hampered by yesterday's severe downpours and cast and crew had to evacuate the flooded location.Below is a graphic report tweeted by the film's director Ron Howard, beginning at the bottom:                                                                             
    and by the way, the Canary Islands' meteorological association named this Atlantic depression CHIPUDE (it had to be the letter C for the third one this season). Chipude is a town in the mountains and the former capital of La Gomera. The station there measured more than 41mm of rain yesterday, while Playa de Santiago got more than 100mm in less than three hours .           

    Good luck that no cars or people were swept away or hit by tumbling rocks. All's well that ends well
  2. W/out incident trucks moved to hi ground & all cast & crew waded to cars (calf deep) & made it out b-4 roads closed
  3. Soon we were advised to wrap and evacuate. Pronto. ASAP
  4. Then our access road began to flood.
  5. torrential outside, the crew dried work shoes as we shot a scene inside. Sound was ruined by rain on roof tho
  6. Rare heavy rain in La Gomera forced us to our small converted cover stage...
  7. The following is a photo account of today's production challenge - The Heart of the Sea

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