
Saturday, November 09, 2013

Vueltas village: The plans

At a meeting with residents and business owners of the harbour village of Vueltas in Valle Gran Rey, La Gomera, the following plans of the island's government and the local administration for pedestrianisation and upgrading of the existing centre of the town were hotly discussed. The construction of phase one was said to take only eight months and vehicular access for residents and business is guaranteed at all times. Click on images to enlarge.
Dark green: Pedestrian - Blue: Parks - Red: Two way traffic - Black:Restricted
one way traffic Orange: Existing pedestrian lanes - Dark red: New parking 
Grey zones 4 and 5 will remain parking initially - later to be
transformed into parks when additional parking (blue) is created
Paving and levelling
Proposed street furniture, paving and trees 
Street lighting
Traffic flow during construction phases 1-3

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