
Thursday, November 14, 2013

'In the Heart of the Sea' first time in the sea

'In the Heart of the Sea' started production on La Gomera today amid a power outage which was pre-programmed by the electricity company to augment the local power supply to fill the needs of 'Gomerawood'.this caused a bit of chaos for a short while. Anyway, yours truly is working on the set as well. Just let me tell you that the buzz this morning was a wonder to behold with a 'mass meeting' of all involved on the pier in Playa de Santiago, La Gomera.
So now I'm bit tired after trying on wigs and rowing a boat - vice versa actually.
Hollywood has moved to La Gomera and I want to state this in block capitals:
THEY ALL ARE A GREAT BUNCH and they show great, great respect and appreciation for La Gomera.
…and PLEASE DO read The true story of the Essex as it will be told in the film.
Ron Howard tweeted this tonight:
''No more studio tanks or movie magic Just open ocean to shoot on.'' Quote and © Ron Howard  
Yeah, boys and girls - you've got to see Valle Gran Rey, the sunset capital of La Gomera   (Hautacuperche)

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