
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Howard movie replica ship of whaler 'Essex' has arrived in Playa de Santiago, La Gomera, for filming

Well, the replica of the whaling ship 'Essex' 'sank in the tank' at Warner Brothers' studios near London and now the 'real replica' has arrived afloat and well in the little harbour of Playa de Santiago on La Gomera island to get ready for further scenes of Ron Howard's adaption of  Nathaniel Phibrick's 'In the Heart of the Sea' to be filmed in the fine weather here over the coming weeks. For cinematic purposes she will probably have to be 'sunk' once again in La Gomera's waters. Fascinating !
+NOV. 4th:Ron Howard's Heart of the Sea getting ready to roll on location La Gomera. Latest images of preps + props ++
Photo (C) Ramos
Update midnight:
The film's director tweeted just a short while ago (...and I'll sing 'Hoooray and up she rises' to that):

Soon we will be off the stage .... And shooting on the open ocean on our real Essex

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