
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Salsa pop music marathon

Typical salsa group
La Gomera's patron saint La Virgen de Guadalupe continues her procession through all the parishes of the island and will travel to the town of Chipude today. Next week she will come to Valle Gran Rey and a big fiesta will be held in her honour. The main event will be a marathon of American-style salsa-pop groups (called orchestras here). Nine of these 'orchestra-bands' (well, at least one of them being a one-man-band with full orchestra sound coming out of his keyboards) will play modern salsa-pop from 10.30pm until the following morning competing for the dancers and for the highest possible volume. The 'marathon' event takes place in the harbour of Vueltas on Saturday Nov.2nd 2013 and will guarantee a sleepless night for residents there and revellers' sore legs from the the shuffle-dancing or standing around the drinks stalls. We won't mention what all the cuba libres can cause...
 Setting-up the salsa for another fiesta in Valle Gran Rey recently. This is only a fraction of the gear of just 2 bands!

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