
Monday, October 21, 2013

Progress on La Gomera film set for Ron Howard movie

The 800-bed Hotel Tecina where cast and crew are staying

La Gomera already buzzing

Work on the film set for 'In the Heart of the Sea' is progressing as planned and slowly the first details are emerging. At the larger set at the remote Tapahuga beach a large triangular water tank directly on the beach with a circular 'deep water section' in its centre is nearing completion and a large area has been cleared and levelled behind it. In the town of Playa de Santiago itself part of the pebbly beach is being altered and decorated and a derelict building is being transformed into a Hollywood set. 
Filming at the Warner Studios in England is continuing and it will be November when the full crew with director Ron Howard  and the cast of actors will arrive on La Gomera. The whaling ship 'Essex' will 'sink' in  the Warner studios' tank near London and the 'survivors' will continue their epic fight for survival here on La Gomera. 
There is a noticeable buzz of excitement in the town of Playa Santiago and all over the island of La Gomera. The advance crews, most of them British specialists, have been out and about in their spare time and are very happy to be in this sunny film location while their colleagues are still working in autumnal England.

+Update - click: 'Essex' arrived here
+NOV. 4th: Ron Howard's Heart of the Sea getting ready to roll on location La Gomera. Latest images of preps + props ++
Scaffolding to accommodate backdrop
This natural backdrop doesn't need any work done
Playa de Santiago film location with clifftop Hotel Tecina
The 'Essex' beginning to sink in the tank near London. Picture tweeted by Ron Howard.
Playa de Tapahuga film location
The large concrete water basin with deeper circular section (centre)

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