
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

The first autumn rain showers today ?

October is the month when the first rain of the autumn is eagerly expected by the people of the Canary Islands and today it looks as if we might see some of that. Tropical storm 'Jerry' is far west of us and heading for the Azores, unsettling the normally stable air masses here while  low pressure systems to the north and the east are helping cloud formation and the remnants of a dissipating front approaching us. The sea temperature around the Canaries is at its highest this year with 24-25,5 ÂșC and this means that more water vapour is available. 
In northern and western areas of each Canary island  showers are more likely, but anywhere is at risk. Rainfall amounts should be small to moderate and by Thursday afternoon most of it should have cleared away, but the weather will remain a bit unsettled over the coming days.
Low cloud enveloping the mountains just after daybreak
The sky over the sea early this morning

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