
Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Ferry to Valle Gran Rey soon again ?

Garajonay Express 
Local media are reporting today that negotiations for the re-introduction of the ferry line which used to connect the  ports of San Sebastian de La Gomera, Playa de Santiago and Valle Gran Rey are progressing well and at an 'advanced stage'. Reportedly there is more than one applicant company interested in  connecting the three harbours on La Gomera and the Canarian government is said to be willing to subsidise the ferries for passengers resident in the Canary Islands.
The ferry line Garajonay Express which successfully operated the line initially with more than two million passengers is sorely missed here. Bear in mind that the journey from Valle Gran Rey to the island's capital takes much less time by ferry than by bus.  Keep the fingers crossed !

UPDATE: Good news !
UPDATE 2: President confirms subsidies


  1. Is there going to be a ferry from los cristianos & Valle gran Rey Jan/ Feb 2017 also is there one running between la Gomera & el Bistro?

  2. Hi Sarah,
    see my latest post on the ferry connection: 'Ferry connection to be reestablished this year ?' of March 30th 2016.
    Since then there has not been any further news, but we live in hope...
    Any new developments will be reported on this blog.

  3. Sorry about el Bistro it should have read el Hierro I wanted to know if there is a ferry running between la Gomera & el Hierro & if there is what days they run?

  4. Hi Sarah,
    the ferry company 'Naviera Armas' is running a service between San Sebastian de La Gomera and the island of El Hierro on certain days from Oct. 3rd. For timetables please use the link provided on my 'Travel+Transport+Accommodation' page. Note that winter timetables have not been released yet and the other ferry company 'Fred. Olsen' may reintroduce a service between the two islands during peak season (winter).


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