
Monday, August 19, 2013

Casting Howard's Hopeful Herd

About 1,000, yes one thousand, people turned out to queue for the hope of a glimpse of glamour at the casting for extras for 'an international production', i.e. Ron Howard's interpretation of 'In the Heart of the Sea' which if it turns out as good as promised will surely pull in the Oscars. To be filmed on location (partially) on La Gomera. The local bars were doing a roaring trade and are hoping for 'the real thirst', once the 90 Euros per day for extras have been paid out.
And the masses did come in bit by bit without any hassle. They were a multi-racial (as wanted on the poster) patient and good-humoured crowd, with kids and babies in tow. They came from near and far - from 'just up the road' to tourists who  swore that 'we'll definitely be here again in November if they want us'. Everyone practicing the long wait got a number stuck onto their attire and all got their mugshots taken. Well done, Sur-Film ! They were very good at it, and professionally positive. So now everyone is waiting for the next step - that vital VIP email. Hey, come on, I didn't shave for 5 days - you wanted a 'well-lived-in-sun-bleached' face...Those who were smiling at the photographer's camera, were very politely told to 'look serious'. There's no business like becoming an extra in show business ! There's Holly in them Gomera Woods. There really is, but only the smooth-leaved variety.
Playa de Santigo, La Gomera

You're next..

The ever-filling queue

Some never bothered

Some got filmed now while hoping to be filmed later

Santigo's answer to whalers' graveyard ?

Now you're a STAR

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