
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fined for fixing prices of excursions to La Gomera

The Spanish national commission for competition has found two Tenerife organisations in breach of competition regulations and imposed considerable fines.
The association of professional tourist guides of Tenerife (APIT) and the provincial travel agents association of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (APAV) were judged to have had price agreements in place for several years. APIT was fined 6000 Euros for the fixing of fees for tourist guides and APAV was fined 40.000 for the same offence. A further fine of 400.000 Euros was imposed on APAV for illegal price recommendations to member agencies. All the fines concerned price fixing of organised excursions from Tenerife to La Gomera.
It remains to be seen if prices for day trips from Tenerife to La Gomera will become more competitive following the ruling.

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