
Monday, April 08, 2013

NASA Earth Observatory image of the year is...

...the image of the El Hierro eruption ! Congratulations.
The winner has just been announced a few minutes ago, and this should bring much needed publicity for El Hierro and puts the harbour and town of La Restinga on a world stage. Here's my enhanced version of the stunning view from space again:
El Hierro eruption: NASA Earth Observatory image of the year winner! (The white 'freckles' are wave crests)
Nasa commented the win as follows:
''In a true Cinderella story, the underwater volcano proceeded to knock off four higher seeds before meeting another #7 seed—the crack in the Pine Island Glacier—in the final. The matchup was not even close, as El Hierro romped with 91 percent of the votes.
Perhaps sensing its impending victory, El Hierro began stirring in late March 2013. According to Erik Klemetti’s “Eruptions” volcanology, earthquake swarms beneath the island suggested that magma was on the move. Perhaps a volcano will soon be popping some lava champagne to celebrate the win.''

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