
Friday, February 15, 2013

Transatlantic solo rower set to break world record

See also latest UPDATE: New Transatlantic World Record !

Charlie Pitcher is well underway to break the Transatlantic solo rowing world record. In his attempt he will have to row the 3000 nautical miles from La Gomera to Barbados in less than 40 days. 
He initially set out from the port of San Sebastian de La Gomera on Feb. 2nd but decided to turn back after six hours of battling strong currents and headwinds. He finally left port
on Feb.6th when conditions were much more favourable. By now he has already covered more than one fifth of the distance and has at times reached speeds of over 14 knots when surfing waves. Charlie is hoping to raise funds for charities in his daring attempt.
You can find out more and follow his progress on his website:
Here's a video of Charlie Pitcher on his boat in La Gomera:

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