
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Valle Luna Festival 2013 - 'Light' Edition

After lots of speculation and uncertainty the 'Valle Luna Festival' will finally kick off this Thursday, January 17th, and will continue until Sunday, 27th of Jan. 2013.
The organisers didn't receive any funding at all and decided to have a 'light' version of the festival without the big stages. 
Expect pub gigs with mostly local bands and artists and a separately organised art exhibition. Street entertainment and one larger event are also envisaged.
Just two days before the festival, I'm still waiting for the programme, but I've just been promised by one of the organisers that the festival poster is to be published 'later tonight'. 
Some organisation, with a large dose of 'maƱana'...
I'll keep you posted if and when I get more details.

Related posts:4th Valle Luna Festival
                       Valle Luna Festival 2013 Poster
                         Valle Luna Festival 2013 Art Event

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