
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Weather warnings in Canary Islands Nov. 25th+26th

Storm expected

A rapidly developing system of low pressure just to the northwest of the Canary Islands  will affect our weather from later tonight. This minor storm is expected to track southerly very close to the archipelago and strong to storm force winds can be expected on Sunday and Monday, with locally severe gusts. Heavy showers of rain, some prolonged, have also been predicted and isolated thunderstorms are possible. 
Weather warnings for all of the Canaries have been issued: 
Showers, at times heavy and prolonged, are expected from Saturday night until and including Monday.
Winds to reach gale force to strong gale force at times will develop on Sunday, and may reach 60-65 mp/h (90-100 km/h) in gusts on exposed higher ground on Monday. Winds will be initially from the SW, then veering W and later from northerly directions.
Waves in coastal areas are expected to rise to 4m (12ft)  later on Sunday and may be higher in exposed coastal areas and on the open sea on Monday with a heavy swell.
It will feel cooler with the temperature dropping a couple of degrees.
The storm system should dissipate on Tuesday/Wednesday.
For those who speak Spanish here is the special storm bulletin by AEMET:
The isobaric chart for Sunday

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