
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Weather in Canaries getting back to normal

While there still are warnings in effect for possibly heavy rainfalls and isolated thunderstorms in the north of Tenerife and on the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura
the general situation has improved a lot and by the end of the day the weather in the Canary Islands should be back to normal.
Valle Gran Rey this morning 9 am

... and yesterday at 11:30am. A thunderstorm is moving in
that lasted half an hour with heavy rain. After that we
 had a beautiful sunny day.

UPDATE 4:30pm

There was a lot of heavy rain in some parts of the Canaries this morning, especially in the North of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, and some stations there registered more than 100 litres/m2.
Lighter showers could still turn turn up anywhere in the Canaries, but will become gradually less frequent.

(As it happens, today is the 186th anniversary of the worst storm on record ever to strike the Canary Islands. On November 7th, 1826 the barometer was recorded as low as 943mb (!) and a violent storm with torrential rain struck these islands, doing major damage, and 253 lives were lost.) 

The rains that came down in the Canaries during the first 7 days of November 2012 brought approximateley the the same amount of rain as was registered over the whole previous (very dry) year, but thankfully it fell without doing any significant damage and brought a welcome end to the drought.

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