
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weather better today in Canaries

As I write there's a howling gale blowing with blustery showers occasionally pelting the roof. Don't despair, however, as today should bring more sunny spells than yesterday and the winds should ease for a while. For the forecast see yesterdays post  Weather remaining unsettled  and don't trust the forecast being put out by the electronic gadgets (some of them on this blog). Just for a laugh I'll give you a GOOGLE translation of the official AEMET forecast for today :

"CLOUD mostly cloudy, with light rain LOCALLY MODERATE IN NORTHERN ISLANDS most striking and possibility of rainWEAK IN THE REST, more likely, in Lanzarote and FUERTEVENTURA. Falling temperatures, BEING LIGHT IN COSTS And moderate in mediocrity. NORTHEAST WINDS moderate to strong,More intense in southeast and northwest COASTS AND mediocrities."

A bit on the mediocre side, isn't it - but light in costs as regards central heating bills, I suppose. Here's the surface analysis just published by OWS ( left) and the HIRLAM model for precipitation by AEMET  right):
Yesterday there was heavy rain in the eastern Canary Islands . Arrecife, the capital of Lanzarote, was  particularly hard-hit with flooding. 

No weather alerts  have been issued for today.                                                                

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