
Monday, August 13, 2012


The fires came down the valley extremely rapidly tonight after 9 pm.
The situation here is extremely tense and the TOTAL population of Valle Gran Rey
was step by step evacuated - we're talking now of over 5000 people.
The fires were so intense and appproaching sooooo rapidly, that gas bottles and cars 
could be heard exploding
I was evacuated mandatorily, too  and with the tense situation previous too that event
didn't post any updates.
Surprisingly down here at the evacuation zone of the port of Vueltas  we still have internet and electricity, but the water supply has stopped.
Fire brigades stationed further up have been evacuated, too.
There were sporadic explosions to be heard (poss. gas bottles and/or cars).
There are thousands of people, some old or in care, lots of tourists milling around
the harbour area, and the world's largest aluminum trimaran (operated by the 
Fred. Olsen  ferry company) has docked in the harbour to take people away from
The other fires are still 'complicated' , but most of them 'out of control'
Weather should improve somewhat today.
More news if and when...

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